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Act NOW to stop Section 75!

The NHS is being vandalised!  The government said we would have ‘CHOICE’ – we just didn’t realise it would be only once.

Click here to see reports of our Lobby of Parliament on 26 March at the Lobby Gate, Parliament
Click here to urgently write letter to a Lord

Click below to see Part 1 of  filmed interview on the Health and Social Care Act by Caroline Molloy with Dr Louise Irvine, GP, Chair Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign.Filmed by Stuart Monro

Published on April 23, 2013

Click below to see Part 2 of Caroline Molloy’s interview with Dr Louise Irvine,  GP and chair of Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign. Filmed by Stuart Monro
Louise talks about the principles underlying the NHS, the signifcant changes to the role of the state in the new act and the effect these will have on both staff and patients. She also discusses these in relation to the Lewisham campaign.


Click below to see second film from Stuart Monro of Lucy Reynolds, interviewed by Bob Gill, a Sidcup GP

Lucy Reynolds, a health researcher who has exposed this issue, is interviewed here by Jill Mountford from the Save Lewisham Hospital campaign, video by Stuart Monro.

On 5th,  March pressure from a wide range of campaigns, including the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign, as well as a range of MPS and medical bodies, mean that the Norman Lamb, Lib Dem Health Minister, withdrew the Section 75 regulations. This was a significant victory.

Lobby of House of Lords 5.3.2013 (Video by Stuart Monro)

We discovered a dangerous threat to the NHS as well as Lewisham.

Part of the threat to Lewisham Hospital is because the NHS is now being treated as a competitive marketplace – particularly since the Health and Social Care Act has left our health service wide open to private bidders.

This month the situation is getting even more serious as the government attempts to force new regulations through Parliament which will open up the NHS to full commercialisation. This will force all Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs led by GPs who plan our local NHS services) to go through a marketplace for any new service contracts.

This is both very expensive and there is a lot of evidence that this process threatens the standard of patient care.

Full explanation of legislation and effects



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