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BBC Question Time protest

BBC TV Question Time protest 10 January 2013
Richard Hoggart Building, Goldsmith’s University, Lewisham Way, SE14 6NW

The SLH campaign organised a successful protest of 200 people outside Goldsmiths where the programme was being filmed. Panellists came out to meet protesters.  The final part of the programme was dominated by questions about the attempt to close Lewisham Hospital. All the panellists, including Nadine Dorries, Tory MP, Ed Davey, Lib Dem environment minister, John Prescott and John Bird, Big Issue founder and Camilla Cavendish from The Times all agreed that Lewisham Hospital should stay open


Question Time received 42,000 tweets on the night- more than Big Brother.

Section of BBC Question Time which discusses Lewisham Hospital







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