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Lewisham pensioners protest 9 April

Lewisham’s Pensioners Rally and march
Save Lewisham Hospital 9 April

Click here to see a slideshow of more pictures from today’s march and rally or click at the bottom of the page

Click below to see Stuart Monro’s video of today’s protest

Pensioners came with  their shopping trollies and placards to be part of a new poster campaign which will call on the Government to stop the dismantling of Lewisham Hospital and the sale of over one half of its land.

Pensioners helped to make a poster which raises the voice of Lewisham Pensioners and shows our support for the only hospital in Lewisham.
Lewisham MP Heidi Alexander accompanied the marchers.

Trolley Crocodile
‘Trolley Crocodile’ of around 50 people progressed down to Lewisham Hospital to hand in the first print of their poster for display in the Hospital’s Board Room and Staff Room.

Dr John O’Donohue from Lewisham Hospital met the marchers, and MP Heidi Alexander spoke to the group as they reached the hospital. Everyone went back to the Savile Centre for a cup of tea.

The protest is just one way of raising the the voice of pensioners in Lewisham, 

Click below to see slideshow

Photos from Vicky Penner and Olivia O’Sullivan

One thought on “Lewisham pensioners protest 9 April

  1. Graham Collett says:

    Congratulations on your well organised campaign and very best wishes for its success.

    My mother was well looked after by Lewisham Hospital staff and I cannot believe they are proposing to close such a modern A&E unit!

    Sorry I can’t join your trolley rally (a great idea) on April 6th, but I now live 200 miles away!

    Kind regards.



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