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Campaign strategy

leaflet 14.7.14b leaflet 14.7.14 v

To download our latest leaflet click here (12 July 2014)

Our Campaign strategy
The SLH Campaign is a source of inspiration and hope to many others around the country.

To download our new strategy document. adopted at our AGM on 15 April 2014,  click here

Our success is due to the involvement and hard work of a great many people. The Campaign will continue to be a welcoming, united campaign. Our primary goal has been the defence of vital services at Lewisham Hospital. Since the merger of Lewisham Healthcare with Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich, our campaign’s goal has widened to defend services and jobs across both sites (Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust).  

In the past few months the campaign has:

  • successfully opposed the outsourcing of procurement services at Lewisham Hospital. Click here for information
  • mounted a very well reported campaign against the government’s implementation of Clause 119 including 3 rallies outside Parliament and one inside. Click here for full information
  • involved thousands of Lewisham residents in writing letters to Monitor opposing government pressures to privatise local NHS community services. Click here
  • organised a succcessful local projects looking at the best standards in community care – collecting many stories from local patients. Click here for information
  • supported many other campaigns fighting to protect their hospitals – see our Get Involved page


By successfully defending our local services, we are defending the whole NHS.

So our Campaign must challenge these wider threats. This is why:

We are against cuts which pose a massive present danger. We don’t support Foundation Trusts.

We are against the Health and Social Care Act, 2012.

We are totally against PFI (see Allyson Pollock’s document produced for the Commission here).

We are against privatisation and marketisation of the NHS.

We are actively linking to other campaigns.

We build for and join up with national events in defence of the NHS. We will continue to collaborate with other campaigns, unions and political organisations on local and national NHS issues.

We will continue to support hospital workers, their unions and their patients.

We will continue to petition Monitor against privatisation of local services and we will continue to have a presence in the community at regular market stalls and events to protect all our NHS services.

If you would like to get involved in any campaign activities in the coming month please sign up for our newsletter on any page of the website (right hand side box) or click here.


One thought on “Campaign strategy

  1. an Aggrovator says:

    i’m with you all the way through this corrupt fight, and proud to be part of it


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