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How can you help?

We are a community campaign which fought to save our hospital and which is continuing to be vigilant in protecting and improving services in Lewisham and in the NHS as a whole.

We always want more people to get involved – any talents or ideas you have, please feel free to offer them to us.

If you want to help – there are several ways of contacting us:

To help with leafleting and posters please email us at and we will tell you about our next leafleting sessions. We leaflet in Lewisham Centre outside the Riverdale Centre most Saturdays 11-1.30.

If you want to register for our email newsletter please click on the bar on the right hand side of this page.

Contact form


Or you can email us here

6 thoughts on “How can you help?

  1. Hazel Waters says:

    sorry, I gave my email address wrongly in the preceding communication to you – it is as above.

  2. Mary Anne Cripps nee Foot says:

    I am a campaigenr for Charing Cross Hospital and also NHS. I have been talking to a few campaigners from lewisham and they told me to think outside the box. I was wondering would you be interested in setting up tables at The Nottinghill Carnival with other Hospitals. I have suggested this with our group but no help. It would be a fantastic day also have the chance to enjoy the carnival and get to dress up and get the message out. Maryanne x

    • admin says:

      i’ll pass on your suggestion – Thanks!

      Olivia for SLHC

  3. Dave Clinch says:

    STITCH Day of Action 8 February 2014
    The Square in Torrington followed by a march to the cottage hospital

    Dear Lewisham Friends

    I’m writing on behalf of the Save The Irreplaceable Torrington Hospital Campaign S.T.I.T.C.H. to request a message of support from the Save Lewisham Hospital A&E Department campaign for our day of action.

    Ten hospital beds have been removed on the grounds that community nursing is being counterposed as a better way to organise health care and support in this area than keeping beds in the cottage hospital.

    There is a fund of information to show that this is not the case and both types of care are required.

    Currently there is a ‘consultation’ period, which has been implemented by the Devon Clinical Commissioning group and the local Trust. However this was afteer the decision was made to remove the beds.They say that the have restored the beds during this ‘consultation’ but the evidence is that potential patients are being directed to hospitals in South Molton, Holsworthy, Barnstaple and Bideford which are all several miles from Torrington.

    I’m particularly proud of your campaign in Lewisham, having lived and taught there for twenty years between 1980-2000 (Forest Hill School and Crofton, as it was then). I also had reason to use A&E there on a number of occasions for myself and my family. Many of our friends and former students took part in those fantastic marches last year!

    I have attached some links.

    North Devon Journal

    London Progressive Journal

    We hope to hear from you

    In solidarity

    Dave Clinch

    • admin says:

      Hello Dave – glad to see that the spirit of Lewisham is strong in Devon. We will send a solidarity message. Good luck with your fight. I will aim to put something on our website in the other campaigns section

  4. Dave Clinch says:

    Thanks very much Olivia

    We have a public meeting on Saturday 22 February at 11am at the Howe Hall in Torrington.

    Our Day of action was very successful and has built the momentum again against the North Devon Healthcare Trust who are planning to make these cuts.

    We know they are planning cuts in Ilfracombe, Bideford and North Devon Hospitals and hope we can join up campaigns.

    We’ll keep in contact!

    In solidarity

    Dave Clinch


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