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Born in Lewisham Hall of Fame

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO OF PHOTOS TAKEN OR  SENT IN SO FAR – we have now updated the video to include all photos sent or brought in, as well as those taken on 16 March


The photos can be of yourself, if you were born in Lewisham, your grown up children or grandchildren, as long as you have permission, or your own young children and babies.


You can get your photo to us by sending your photo in to the website

Please read
It is a legal requirement that we seek the consent of parents and guardians of all children under 18 years of age who send in their photos, give them over for display or have their photos taken, and for those photos to be used by the campaign for the Lewisham Hospital’s Hall of Fame, or for further publicity, displays, press releases and coverage in pursuit of the campaign to Save Lewisham Hospital.

The campaign is making you and all other parents and guardians of children and young adults under the age of 18 aware of this requirement and asking you to give written permission to use the photographs, as described above, by filling out a form at the event or sending the email detailed below.

We undertake not to in any way link any photograph with the name (first or last) of any child or young adult concerned. The form/email will be retained as a way of verifying that consent was only given for the anonymous use of the photograph.


To send in a photo to the website please do the following

Please copy and past the text below into an email, amend it by adding your name, address and children’s names and add the digital photo to the email as an attachment – send to 


Text to be copied and pasted

I/We give my/our permision to allow photographs of

First name                                                                       Second name

First name                                                                      Second name

First name                                                                      Second name

First name                                                                      Second name

to be used by the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign for the Lewisham Hospital’s Hall of Fame, or for further publicity, displays, press releases and coverage in pursuit of the campaign to Save Lewisham Hospital.

Your name(s):






Download a form
Alternatively you can download a form here and return it to us as an attachment with the ph



6 thoughts on “Born in Lewisham Hall of Fame

  1. Eva Smith says:

    Went to Lewisham Hospital on the 16th March early.
    I went to the lewisham hospital and took the picture of our two sons in their scout uniform they were born in the hospital. I put all the details on the back of the photo and handed it into the receptionist who promised me she would forward it to the people concerned.

    I find now this photo hasnt been put on the video when you did say you wanted more photos of born in lewisham hospital – where has it gone? Eva Smith

    • admin says:

      Hi Eva, I’m so sorry about that. We haven’t received the photo but we will track it down at the hospital and it will be included in the video as soon as we have it – I now have others to include as well. Please don’t worry. We intend this project to continue. Thanks very much for bringing a photo.


  2. Penny says:

    My son, Ben, was born in Lewisham Hospital in January 2012 and I can not thank the staff enough for all the care they gave me and Ben. He was welcomed into the world by a group of caring and professional individuals. To lose A&E, childrens and maternity services at Lewisham would be terrible. Please keep up the fight!

  3. scott owen says:


    I know is might be a long shot but dose anyone know a girl called terri who has a daughter called paige she was born in Lewisham I just need to contact them thank you so much for reading

  4. Christopher McNamara says:

    My son was born at Lewisham Hospital on 2 December 1992. He was 15 weeks premature and spent ten weeks in the NICU before being transferred to Farnborough Hospital, where he was originally expected to be born. We finally took him home on about the date he should have been born; he weighed 4 1/2 lbs.

    He will be 21 in December, is 6’3″ tall and is in his second year at University. That is the outcome the incredibly talented and dedicated staff at Lewisham were able to deliver 20 years ago.

    Yes, it’s costly, but any politician who wants to cut this vital service truly “knows the price of everything and the value of nothing”.

    Keep fighting because the battle MUST be won.

    Best wishes,


    • admin says:

      Exactly Christopher. We pay for the NHS for the benefit of all. The govt seem to think its theirs. Fantastic to hear your son has done so well. Dedicated medical staff of all kinds give their all every day, Lewisham Hospital is one example of this.

      Olivia for SLHC


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