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Born in Lewisham reports, pictures, videos

Saturday 16th March

We asked you to come out and support Lewisham Hospital if you, your children, your grandchildren, your brother or sister was born in Lewisham and YOU CAME. Sadly the weather was atrocious but around 500 of you and more braved the pouring rain to link hands and listen to songs and speeches in LadywellFields.

Click to watch video of the Lewisham Hall of Fame pictures sent in by you and taken on the day

Click here to find out how to send in your photo of you, your children or grandchildren.

Thanks to all who helped on the day – particularly Question Musiq, Charles Bailey, opera singer Kristina, Strawberry Thieves and Nick Jeffrey, the Woody Guthrie singer. Thanks to all our speakers: Dr Tina Sajjanhar, paediatrician and head of Children’s emergency medicine, midwife , Steve Turner from Unite, and Louise Irvine, SLH campaign chair. Thanks to all those who helped with the photography, photo booths and banners. Our new badges and shopping bags went fast. Sales of signed copies of the new Save Lewisham A&E rap CD were very successful. All money goes to the Save Lewisham Hospital campaign – click here to go  download

Photo Victoria Mariel Proffitt

Photos for Hall of Fame
Thanks to all those who queued to have their photographs and children’s photographs taken for the Lewisham Hospital Hall of Fame. It will take a time to coodinate and reproduce all these photos but we’ll let you know where and when they will be displayed.  To send in your photos and for more information click here 

Click here for full report from East London Lines
Monday 18 March 
Newshopper Families encircle Lewisham Hospital in maternity protest

Photos and videos
Click here to see some fantastic photos from Andy Worthington if you have an iphone or apple device or click below to see slideshow.
Click here for to see more fantastic photos from Andy Worthington if you have an iphone or apple device or click below to see slideshow.
Click here to see inspirational photos from Victoria Mariel Proffitt  if you have an iphone or apple device or click below to see slideshow.
Click here to see photos from Olivia O’Sullivan if you have an iphone or apple device or click below to see the slideshow.

Andy Worthington 1


Andy Worthington 2

Victoria Mariel Proffitt

Olivia O’Sullivan

Video Born in Lewisham Part 1 edited by Stuart Monro, cameras Charlotte Monro, Olivia O’Sullivan

Video Born in Lewisham Part 2 edited by Stuart Monro, cameras Charlotte Monro, Olivia O’Sullivan

Interviews: Born in Lewisham, Supporting Lewisham   Video: Olivia O’Sullivan

Facebook group

There is a facebook group for people born in lewisham, who have given birth in Lewisham or are about to give birth in Lewisham.  They are embarking on a mission to provide a voice for these people who fear the hospital being damaged.  And, more to the point, they are going to make a song about how they feel.  Get involved:

42 thoughts on “Born in Lewisham reports, pictures, videos

    • Tony O'Sulivan says:

      Keep it in the family! Have your family here too! We’ll still be here with your support!

  1. Vreni Clare says:

    Three of my children were born in Lewisham Hospital. Save our hospital!

  2. Mahmuda Ali says:

    My husband and son were both born at Lewisham. They really looked after us and provide really good maternity care. We pay our taxes in this borough and our borough and primary care trust has taken care of our hospital and kept it out of debt which is amazing when you think the surrounding boroughs have not managed this. Save Lewisham hospital!

    • Tony O'Sulivan says:

      Sorry for slow reply, but thank you so much for you kind words! We can win this battle with so many people like you and your family backing us!

  3. Jessie says:

    My beautiful son was born in Lewisham Hospital and we were well looked after by the staff there. It would be a real shame if the maternity facilities close.

  4. Helen Ottaway says:

    My daughter was born in Lewisham Hospital in 1993, an emergency caesarian, a very close thing and thanks to the skill and dedication of the staff at the hospital we are both alive and healthy. I lived in Lewisham for 20 years from 1976 to 1996. We now live in Somerset but still have friends and family in South London and still think of it as home. Save Lewisham Hospital.

    • Tony O'Sulivan says:

      Thank you so much!
      And our maternity services have improved so over the last 5 years, with a wonderful midwife-led Birth Centre, that almost seems like a hotel when you are shown round (hush before they privatise it!) and a great reputation now – but the safety of a full Labour Ward with medical care, theatres and intensive care, should the mother or newborn babe need it! Not a 6-mile emergency journey to Woolwich – and well over 4200 births annually, heading for 5000! So why chop it down. Apologies for going on a bit! (Yours, Angry Children’s Director of Lewisham)

  5. Nisa Ali says:

    My son was born in Lewisham hospital in 2000. It was an emergency but the care we both received was outstanding – from the registrar who delivered him to the midwives and health support workers who supported me and my son 24 hours a day. He was placed in the intensive care baby unit for a few weeks – a frightening place for a new parent but it was also a haven of hope staffed by amazing, dedicated and skilled staff. He was soon ‘promoted’ through the baby care unit, thanks to the staff there, and we were able to go home once he had put lots of weight on. Later, we also visited the paediatric A&E on occasion, which I think is a godsend for children and parents in the area. He is now taller than I am; a healthy, strapping boy of 12. We both have much to be thankful for to Lewisham hospital.

  6. Tony O'Sulivan says:

    Thank you Nisa for that lovely story – sorry you both had to go through all that, but wonderful to hear of the care you both received in Maternity & NICU on your scary journey through to more tranquil times!! We’re proud of our Children’s A&E also, newly built and less than a year open – proposed for closure by the TSA! But we do not think he will succeed I’d we put all this energy and commitment together across fa,iLife’s, communities and health staff in the hospital and out there in Lewisham

  7. Clare says:

    My two children were born in Lewisham Hospital and the care we received was very good. I live down in Kent now but I am coming up to London to join the demonstration on 26/1/13.

  8. jenny wright says:

    Son number 1 was born at Lewisham Hospital, a healthy little mite delivered a bit early. What was really good was the additional support I got with breast feeding, which was really amazing for a first time mum. Babies 2 and 3 were home births, this however could not have happened but for Lewisham hospital being just down the road. At one point my second hefty son looked like he was getting a bit stuck GP and midwife getting a bit jumpy … then with a bit of hard work my hunky lad came into the world. Without Lewisham hospital maternity services being there I would have less choice about time and place of delivery. The midwives were fantastic and my GP was brilliant and so supportive. They couldn’t be that confident without the hospital though.

  9. Deborah Allan says:

    My two daughters were born in Lewisham Hospital 1992 and 1994. My eldest daughter was discharged the same date as Nelson Mandela was released (11.02.92.

    Please give maternity services at Lewisham Hospital the freedom to carry on with the job of providing excellent maternity services for local womem.

  10. Louise Dale says:

    My daughter Daisy was born at Lewisham Hospital in 2001. The staff were amazing. I work at the hospital as a liaison nurse in A&E. I cannot believe this is happening.

    • admin says:

      Hi Louise – I know what you mean – I’m sitting here uploading photos on the website of the most amazing events in Lewisham built around our hospital and find it impossible to believe that we have not been heard. If Hunt’s decision goes against us tomorrow the campaign truly believes that the fight will carry on in the courts and in many other ways. Our commmunity is so strong. The council has backed the legal fight. Lawyers are writing in to support us. So please, even if Hunt’s decision goes against the hospital tomorrow, don’t give up. There is a real fighting chance of keeping the hospital open – the next election is only a couple of years away and the NHS is becoming a bigger and bigger issue for this government – most people think it is THE most important thing.
      Olivia, for Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign

  11. Jenny says:

    Dear Olivia
    This is a really encouraging reply. I hope that Mr Hunt does the sensible thing so that court action is unnecessary as it will almost inevitably end up costing huge amounts of money that should be going into our hospital services. Jenny

  12. alwyn rees says:

    We have to continue to fight this outrageous decision it is unacceptable that we should lose our hospital. I have been so impressed with the action taken so far.
    My daughter was born, after an emergency caesarian,in Lewisham Hospital. I had something called placenta abrupta (a later tv programme called it ‘5 minutes to live’).If we had been taken to Woolwich from Catford neither my daughter or I would be alive today as it would have taken far more than ‘5 minutes’.Let’s keep on fighting it’s not over yet.

    • admin says:

      We definitely are keeping on fighting. We are making our plans and are confident that, together with the tremendous fighting spirit of our community for OUR hospital – not THEIRS – we will win through. We will be taking the government to court. This is being currently discussed. And we have many ideas. Please keep in touch with the website/FaceBook etc and we will email you.

      Best wishes

      Olivia for SLHC

  13. Vreni Clare says:

    A question: does the downgrade to a midwife-led birth centre mean that twins/multiples will no longer be born at Lewisham Hospital? And if so, does this also mean that mothers expecting multiples will have to trudge to QE for ante-natal appointments? I had twins at Lewisham Hospital 21 years ago. I am a driver,and therefore in a luckier position than many Lewisham residents, but I remember being unable to fit behind the wheel of my car for the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy. I was reliant on lifts from friends/family and when that wasn’t possible, had to take public transport. Not easy in the last month when only able to shuffle at snail’s pace, taking my two older children with me. I can’t begin to imagine how I would have coped with a journey involving three buses to QE, which is what I suppose will be in store for such mums-to-be if these disgraceful proposals are carried out. And I would have thought such a tortuous journey for heavily pregnant mothers could well Lead to negative outcomes for mother and babies. We must continue the fight and I and my family support you every step of the way.

  14. Rachel Gallagher (McLeod) says:

    Born in Lewisham hospital 48 years ago. Next door neighbour was in the bed next to my mum in the maternity ward. 48 years on we’re still best friends, and outraged about the plans for Lewisham.

  15. Ianthe Feeney says:

    My daughter was born in Lewisham Hospital 2000. I won’t be needing the maternity services again but I would like future Lewisham mums to have the service I took for granted from a hospital close to their home. I don’t want to hear lots of stories on local news programmes of women giving birth in ambulances whilst being driven from hospital to hospital in search of a bed.

  16. Ianthe Feeney says:

    My daughter was born at Lewisham Hospital in 2000. I won’t be needing maternity services again but I cannot believe that in the future women in Lewisham who have complications when giving birth will not have a local emergency service to help them. Do we have to wait and see the deaths of large numbers of mothers and babies before we realise what a mistake this closure is?

  17. Anne Sadler says:

    My daughter was born at Lewisham hospital 41years ago I had a great midwife and good memories of the hospital.As my kids grew up we needed theA&e dept and bless the staff for their care.Sadly my daughter’s partner recently died from a brain tumour,they were sent to a&e at Queen Elizabeth although his death wasn’t due to their care the experience traumatised my daughter,the place was under staffed ,waiting times extensive full of drunks .Can you imagine what standards will be like if all the people from Lewisham have to go there awful,keep up the fight

    • admin says:

      That’s a very good point Anne. Waiting times all over London are going to increase even more with a and e closures. People in Lewisham don’t want this to happen.

      Olivia for SLHC

  18. jenny wright says:

    Unfortunately a friend’s son in law had a very similar experience at Woolwich when he ruptured his achilles tendon. He had a seven hour wait in QE hospital 2 hours of which in a room with a crack addict screaming for a fix. This was supposed to be at a fairly quiet time at the weekend, how is QE going to cope with a huge range of patients with urgent needs when it takes 5 hours now for a doctor to see a patient? Are there going to be adequate facilities for those with acute mental health issues and urgent drug dependency issues. SE London has huge areas of deprivation with very difficult health related issues, I can’t see how a one size fits all mega hospital will be able to cope.

  19. busra bakici says:

    Both my brothers and i were born in lewisham hospital. if u close it dont you think about our memories, our past is going to be washed away in a click. dont close the hospital !!!

  20. Angela Read says:

    Our daughter Sophie was born at Lewisham, 11 weeks prem 915grams, less than a bag of sugar. 3 weeks ago she turned 10, If it wasnt for Lewisham she may not have made it. SAVE LEWISHAM HOSPITAL.

  21. lynn says:

    my grandad was born at lewisham hospital them my mum and her brother (they were twins) and she had me there and i went on to have my three girls there (and i had a set of twins) and in 2012 my granddaughter was born there thats five generations all born at lewisham hospital so save lewisham hospital so i can see my next grandchild born there?????

  22. Iain says:

    The thing is, basic stuff will get messed up if the proposals go through. The birth centre relies on the maternity ward to juggle beds, so their numbers will fall significantly as people get taxied to Woolwich in early stages of Labour, rather than queue on a ward upstairs. And then all the people who go into hospital to get checked out and sent home in early stages of labour will have to pay £50+ in cabs if it’s Boxing day night (when our critter started coming). So people may call ambulances, at a cost of £200+ to the health budget.

    And for us, mum and baby got admitted to the maternity wards after delivery, during the nora virus visiting restrictions. If I had to make journeys to Woolwich, over the festive period, alone, and adhering to strict visiting times, I would’ve gone bonkers.

    The midwives who helped us were especially skilled and dedicated, and unanimously against leaving the birthing centre isolated. It’s important to do all we can to defend a brilliant service in South London. I’m working on saturday 16th though (with the crack-heads in QEH A&E, mentioned by someone above), so won’t be there. Hopefully the family will make it. Good luck. Hasta la victoria siempre

  23. Susan Stead says:

    I trained and worked at Lewisham between 1974 and 1984. My son was born there in 1980, was premature and spent time in SCBU. They were wonderful. He is now 33 and a 6ft strapping young man. We will be there on 16th ….

  24. Beth Bone says:

    My son and I would have died if the new proposals had been in place in January 2011 – we only just made it as it was. We will be there on the 16 March!

  25. Megan says:

    My mum had me and all her children here. My sister, my mums second child, suffered serious injuries during birth. The midwives and doctors did everything they could to save the baby, but sadly she passed away as she was starved with oxygen. They helped my mum with her loss, and dispite the fact my mum was told she shouldn’t have any more children, she later had a boy, and only 2 years ago have birth to her second son. The staff at Lewisham are very helpful and kind. My mum has had the same Midwife with all births of her 4 children. All of the remaining 3 of us are very healthy and proud we were born in Lewisham Hospital. I hope to have my child/children in Lewisham, and to keep it in the family. Please keep Lewisham open, it means a lot to everyone x

  26. emma says:

    Both of my sons have been born in lewisham hospital, my first 16 years ago, my last one 5 years ago. My second pregnancy was terrible and i had a really bad time but all the staff where amazing and they really helped me through it. Now 5 years on im a regular in childrens a & e because my youngest is a chronic asthmatic and the nurses are once again truly amazing the way they deal with my son who is also adhd is a joy to watch they completey put me at ease especially at such a frightening time.

  27. Vikki says:

    Lewisham saved my life in hdu also saved my kids life’s I had to have 2 emergency c sections my daughter came out flat lined but thanks to the amazing doctors, nurses they brought her back to life, both my kids are fighting fit and I owe my life to lewisham, the campaign is going amazingly well done to you all.

  28. Leigh M says:

    Born there in 1985!

  29. Kate says:

    My 2nd child (a daughter, Isobel) was born there in October 2012. I was overdue and induced and had the most wonderful midwife (doishka) who had come into work that morning thinking she was on a study day and ended up delivering my baby. She was wonderful, really listened to me and I had a birth totally unlike my first (in a great way). I now live in Australia and am so sad to think they may close this wonderful service. Save lewisham hospital!

  30. Nicholas Taylor says:

    Our first two sons were born at home in 1967 and 1969 ; the high birthrate in those days meant you couldn’t get into hospital unless there were problems with the pregnancy or your home was deemed unsafe. The second had breathing difficulties two hours after birth and was whisked off at 2am to Lewisham Hospital so quickly that the midwife had a good chat with me in the ambulance before realising I wasn’t there ! (left stranded on my doorstep). My son was soon OK, but I shall never forget my visit to Intensive Care the following morning : lines of incubators with little grey and yellow babies, fighting for life and winning because they had been taken to a local hospital only minutes away – not to a distant Woolwich.

  31. Andrew Miles (@Manwithaview1) says:

    My son Andrew was born at Lewisham Hospital in 1998. The staff were absolutely incredible. Good luck with the campaign.

  32. Natasha Carroll {Garwood} says:

    i was born in lewisham in 1973 and it was snowing.

  33. Pingback: A battle of biblical proportions: can Lewisham beat Jeremy Hunt? | Healthy Witness

  34. Lucille says:

    Born in the hospital in 1997, would hate for the opportunity for birth in that hospital to disappear.

  35. Helen Tierney says:

    I was born in Lewisham Hospital in July 1955. My mother was a nurse pre-NHS. I’ve worked as a midwife & am now a district nurse with 2 years to go before retirement.
    Having been outsourced (against all my strongest beliefs)from the NHS 2 years ago into a social enterprise I say to Jeremy Hunt please stop meddling with an amazing system that WORKS. Please don’t destroy the best health care in the world.


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