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Harriet Harman letter & request for responses

Harriet Harman has written a letter to Jeremy Hunt and is requesting responses about how the proposed Lewisham closures will affect other hospitals.
Click here to see her letter.

Harriet Harman and other MPs have written to the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP, voicing their opposition to the proposed closure of Lewisham A&E and maternity services, and their concerns about the impact on patients who use King’s College Hospital.  The text of the letter is below. 

Harriet would be interested to hear your views. 

This is a key time as the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP, will make a decision on whether to close Lewisham A&E and maternity services on 1st February 2013.

Will you write to the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP, and make representations?

His address is:

Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP

Secretary of State for Health

Richmond House

79 Whitehall



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