Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust Choir
Spring Concert
Saturday 20th April 7pm
Admission: Free
An evening of song featuring the Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust choir (as seen on BBC 2’s
The Choir: Sing While You Work with Gareth Malone) and special guests.
Click here to download flyer – tell your friends
St. Mary’s Parish Church,
346 Lewisham High Street, SE13 6LE
Great idea!
How do I apply for tickets? Thanks
I think you just turn up! But will check
Olivia for SLHC
At the lobby of the Department of Health in March I heard a group of you sing, and went to introduce myself to your conductor, as I was both a fellow campaigner against the cuts, and also a local singing leader with a small choir meeting in the New Cross/Deptford area. I have now lost the email address he gave me, and we have an idea for an Autumn choral fundraiser to put to you. Please could you pass my details on to him again and ask him to send me a quick email with his contact details again?
Thank you
Christine Bisatt
The Kender Grove Singers