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Paediatric Trainees

Dear Editor,


As Paediatric doctors in training we wish to highlight our concerns about the proposed reconfiguration of the health system in South East London. In June 2012 the then health secretary used legislation for the first time to place South London Healthcare NHS Trust under special measures. The subsequent consultation on the report from the appointed Trust Special Administrator is due to end in a few days and we are extremely concerned at the lack of apparent care and attention shown for children’s and young peoples’ services. The boroughs of Lewisham and Greenwich contain a young, vulnerable and often financially deprived population. Rationalising emergency medical services by reducing A&E, maternity and other acute services at the financially solvent and clinically well recognised Lewisham Hospital causes us significant alarm. This is in addition to our concern about the loss of a fantastic training institution for junior healthcare professionals. Any proposed change to acute care in this area needs to be managed with the utmost care and consideration in order to avoid putting the lives of the vulnerable young patients that we care for under threat and we have no faith that the draft report achieves this. The report is due to be presented to the government in the coming months and until there is real consideration paid to children’s and young people’s health its recommendations will be strongly opposed by those treating patients on the front line.


Yours sincerely


Dr David James

Dr Dionysios Grigoratos

Dr Jason Gane

Dr Tamara Zerb

Dr Morium Akhtar

Dr Briony Arrowsmith

Dr Amna Hussain

Dr Liz Scotney

Dr Katie Rogerson

Dr Isabel Mawson


Paediatric Doctors in training

London Deanery


One thought on “Paediatric Trainees

  1. Dr PWD Meerstadt says:

    I used to work with Dr Dionysios Grigoratos in Greenwich some years ago and wish to make contact with him. I would be grateful if you could pass my E-mail address onto him. Thank you.


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