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PFI and the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign

From the first moments of the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign (SLHC) in October 2012, we have voiced our unequivocal opposition to private finance initiative (‘PFI’) and indeed other forms of public-private partnership relying on finance capital sourced from the private sector.

SLHC has been led by Dr Louise Irvine, a Lewisham GP, chosen unanimously to chair the campaign in November 2012 and re-elected unopposed in April 2014. The overriding objective was and is to campaign to save Lewisham Hospital from threats to diminish or close its services.

The SLH Campaign has taken every opportunity to raise the connection between the demise of South London Healthcare Trust with its two large PFI contracts and the attack on Lewisham Hospital. We have done this from the platforms on our now historic demonstrations of November 2012 and January 2013, in leaflets, at the public meetings of SLHC and others, on our website, on Twitter and Facebook, in numerous media interviews, letters and articles, including on national TV.

To read the whole statement download here


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