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Press coverage

If you would like photos or want to organise interviews, please contact Olivia O’Sullivan at 

Tuesday 5 August 2014 South London Press ‘Our hospital victory can inspire other protesters’
Friday 1 August 2014 Letter to Guardian from Louise Irvine/Save Lewisham Hospital campaign Behind the push for competitive tending in NHS services
Sunday 6 July 2014 Save Lewisham Hospital SC member JOs Bell on LBC radio about A&Es
Friday 27 June 2014 South London Press Letter from Louise Irvine ‘Fighting to protect our NHS’
PRESS STATEMENT FROM SLH STEERING COMMITTEE IN RELATION TO SUBSEQUENT ARTICLE: “The newly elected Steering Committee of the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign wishes to make the following points. We believe that the broad-based nature of our Campaign, which includes the whole community of Lewisham, involving many different groups, parties and countless individuals, led directly to the our success in saving Lewisham Hospital. It is the way forward for our continued campaigning too. As the SLH Campaign we are not endorsing any candidate standing in the local elections on 22 May. Moreover we are specifically not endorsing the candidate in Lewisham Central ward who has registered his electoral name as People Before Profit – Save Lewisham Hospital. We feel the use of the campaign name on ballot papers is potentially confusing as voters may consider this indicates SLH Campaign endorsement and we wish to make it completely clear this is not the case.”

Monday 28 April 2014 News Shopper Election candidate denies Save Lewisham Hospital ‘hijack’ Friday 1 November 2013

Tuesday/Wednesday 29/30 October 2013

Monday 28 October 2013

Friday 18 October 2013

Monday 14 October 2013

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Saturday 14 September 2013

  • ITV London  Excellent report on Victory parade and campaign update click here

Thursday 12 September 2013

Friday 9 August 2013

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Monday 5 August 2013

Sunday 4 August 2013

Friday 2 August 2013

Thursday 1 August 2013

Print media

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Print media

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Monday 15 July 2013

Thursday 11 July 2013

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Tuesday 2 July 2013

BBC Lunchtime News
ITV Lunchtime News

Friday 28 June

Monday 17 June 2013

Friday 14 June 2013

Thursday 13 June

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Sunday 9 June 2013

Friday 7 June 2013

Thursday 6 June 2013

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Thursday 30 May 2013

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Friday 24 May 2013

Friday 3 May 2013

Saturday 13 April

Tuesday 9 April

Thursday 28 March 

Tuesday 26 March

Wednesday 10 March ITV London News Prime Minister asked about Lewisham hospital Monday 18 March

Sunday 17 March

Wednesday 13 March

tuesday 12 March

Saturday 9 March

Friday 8 March

  • BBC News London Mayor heckled by Lewisham Hospital campaigners
  • ITV London News  London Mayor faces tough questions over Lewisham hospital

ITV London Tonight 8th March 2013 Friday 1 March

Tuesday 26th February

Monday 25th February

Friday 22nd February

Thursday 21 February

Wednesday 20 February

Thursday 7th February

Tuesday 5th February Evening Standard  NHS Chief had critical concerns over cut at Lewisham Hospital Monday 4th February

Sunday 3rd February

Friday 1st February

Thursday 31st January

  • If you didn’t see it, here is the complete recording of Hunt’s announcement. Or if you want to go through it again and count the lies and deceptions,  click here
  • For full account in Hansard click here 
  • Radio 5 interview Dr Tony O’Sullivan
  • ITV Lunchtime news day of announcement 31.1.13

  • ITV London Tonight 31.1.13 following announcement of  Hunt’s decision

  • BBC London  News 31.1.13 following announcement of  Hunt’s decision

  • ITV London evening news petition hand in 30.1.13

Monday 28 January

Saturday & Sunday 26-27 January We had some very good national TV coverage of Saturday’s demo, especially when news programmes are short. Links to newspaper coverage follows below the TV clips. Channel 4 News   BBC National News BBC London News

ITV National news ITV News – longer excellent report here

Friday 25th January

Tuesday 23rd January

  • Mums, dads and buggies protest outside Department of Health – view TV coverage

Monday 22nd January

Friday 18th January 2013

  • New Statesman cartoon – see new cartoon from New Statesman featuring hospital doctors, Louise Irvine and Jos Bell from the campaign

Millwall FCMillwall FC have been fantastic in supporting the campaign:

Monday 14th January 2013 ITV London Evening news – interview with Lewisham Hospital patients/with  Heidi Alexander MP Thursday 10th January

Sunday 13th January 2013

Tuesday 8th January 2013

BBC London Evening News ITV London Evening News November 2012

Articles about the Public Meeting

Innumberable, supportive blogs:

Please use the comments section to notify us of articles we have missed!  Thanks.


11 thoughts on “Press coverage

  1. Jane Toussaint says:

    Re your Press Links page.
    There was a piece in Private Eye as well, in the ‘Medicine Balls’ column, (issue 1328, 30 November) about the closure of Lewisham ICU, completely rubbishing the proposal to close it. You can’t link to it on their website, but I have the PDF which I can send to you, which I got directly from Private Eye.

    Jane Toussaint

  2. Chris Underwood says:

    Lewisham hospital changes would put pregnant mothers in danger, warn campaigners –

    Not sure if you have seen the above Evening Standard piece – I can’t see it listed on your page.


  3. Danny Child says:

    BBC Question Time of 10th January with:

    Ed Davey – coalition Energy Secretary
    John Prescott
    Nadine Davies – Conservative MP
    Camilla Cavendish – Times Columnist
    John Bird – Big Issue founder

    and **ALL** of them were against the closure of Lewisham! Don’t think I’ve ever seen a panel agree like this on Question Time.

  4. pete says:

    if u want some info on what and who is behind the nhs privatisations the common purpose group take the time to listen and share it dont rely on the mainstream media for your news its all about corporate governance

  5. Dillabor miah says:

    I urge every local business in Lewisham weather small or big to get involved in supporting the lewisham hospital campaign by making donations. We need to carry the good work and save our hospital.

  6. Delhi bicycle Indian dine says:

    I mr Dillabor Miah from delhi bicycle indian takeaway 11 wastdale road se23 will continue with our donation to save Lewisham hospital campaign. We are already donating 50p per order towards the campaign .We have been out side the Lewisham hospital on the 5th July giving free food to about five hundred people and celebrating the NHS birthday and raised a couple of hundred pounds or more and the will be more to come from us please spread the word. Many thank to all campaigners for their support and donations.

    • admin says:

      Thank you very much for providing such delicious food and for your campaign donations.

      Olivia for SLHC

  7. frankie smales says:

    this is important to our health and wellbeing
    that it is vital to save our nhs from further
    cuts and closures with the likes of lewisham
    and many other hospitals around the uk of further
    threats and changes by this current goverment
    and with jeremy hunt on board maybe he could
    help for uturns in the nhs to protect it’s hospitals in lewisham
    and leeds childrens heart wing so this is important to us
    to save it the best way how.

    frankie smales



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