Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign opposes the Health and Care Bill 2021, which is currently being rushed through Parliament. The bill, and the guidance and regulations that come with it, signpost further fragmentation of the NHS, greater privatisation and damage to services and the workforce. We support Keep Our NHS Public and many other campaigning organisations who oppose the Bill which is currently going through the Lords.
The bill will also provide the legal framework required to implement the 40 or so Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) covering England, which pose a threat not least by allowing the private sector an even bigger role than it has currently, a role we believe is far too much already.
The Bill will not address any of the problems facing the NHS or social care and will distract from efforts to rebuild the NHS while it is still dealing with the Covid pandemic.
Whether or not the Bill is passed, ICSs will continue to pose a huge threat to the NHS as a universal, comprehensive health service that is publicly accountable, publicly funded and publicly provided.
Our NHS Public has an excellent campaign page with sample letters to MPs, Councillors and Lords, leaflets and other materials which you can use. See the page here.
5 things you can do to take action immediately to scrap the Health and Care Bill:
1 Write a letter:
– to members of the House of Lords (see outline letter for you to personalise). The House of Lords are currently considering the Health and Care Bill (read briefing paper first)
– to your MP – see briefing paper for MPs
– to your local Councillor (see letter and briefing).
2 Put a motion to your trade union branch.
3 Bring yourself up to speed about what the Bill and ICSs will mean for our NHS by reading ‘Background information’ on the Bill and Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). See here
4 Sign the petition against the Bill.
5 We will shortly be leafleting in Lewisham – contact us savelewishamhospital@yahoo.com