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The TSA process was a complex one. Responding to the TSA ‘consultation’ process, the draft and final reports produced a huge response: from the community, clinicians – both from the hospital and GPs, the Council and Council bodies, faith communities, patients and patient organisations, and many others.

The menus in this section contain much of the valuable evidence produced.

A full record of all responses can by found on the TSA  website

Reprinted here is the Timeline prepared for the People’s Commission report


July 2012
13.07.12 Secretary of State for   Health Andrew Lansley appoints Trust Special Administrator to South London Healthcare NHS
16.7.13 Unsustainable Provider Regime (UPR) enacted. Trust Special   Administrator, Matthew Kershaw, put in place. SLHT Trust Board suspended.
16.7.13 -29.10.12 Preparation of Draft Report beginsThe TSA must rapidly assess the issues facing   the organisation, engage with a range of relevant stakeholders, including   staff and commissioners and develop a draft report including draft   recommendations for consultation.’ 75 working daysStakeholder engagement workshops take   place: Community based care, acute services, maternity and paediatrics, joint   community based care and acute.
 October 2012  
29.10.12 TSA draft report published and proposals   announced
Nov – Dec2012  
2.11.12 Consultation The TSA begins a consultation over 30 days   to ‘validate and improve’ the draft recommendations in the draft report. 30   working days
8.11.12 Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign Public   meeting at Lewisham Hospital: including two overflow venues. 500-700   people
3 TSA public meetings
24.11.12 First Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign march 10,000 people
28.11.12 Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign Public   Meeting, Catford Broadway Theatre 500+ people
5.12.12 TSA Maternity Model meeting: called as extra meeting in view of concern re: models in Draft and   concern on numbers. Attended by LHT staff and lay-chair of Maternity Services   Liaison Committee. Attempt to   exclude lay chair & some LHT staff
7.12.12 Petitions to 10 Downing StHeidi Alexander MP’s petition/Lewisham Healthcare Trust staff petitionSE London clinicians, including GPs from the 6 CCG areas
12.12.12 Matthew Kershaw TSA, Andy Mitchell (Med   Direct, NHS London) and Jane Fryer (MD SE London Cluster) met LHT consultant staff at Lessof Centre, Lewisham Hospital
13.12 12 Consultation endsSave Lewisham Hospital Campaign evening   vigil outside the Hospital 4-7pm
14.12.12 Final Report The TSA must use consultation responses to   inform the final report to the Secretary of State.
7.1.13To1.2.13 Secretary of State decision period The Secretary of State has to determine what action to take in   relation to the organisation. He  must   then publish and lay in Parliament a notice containing the final decision and   the reasons behind it. The SoS’s decision is final with no right of appeal; this final decision must be within 20 working   days Published by 1 February 2013.


January 2013  
10.1.13 BBC Question Time: major discussion on Lewisham Hospital and TSA, with major national   interest in media subsequently
14.1.13 London Ambulance Service PPE forum: concern expressed and PPE chair agreed to write to SoS Health
16.1.13 First Bexley meeting of GPs in Bexley CCG
22.1.13 First Lewisham Mums, Dads and Buggies   protest at the Department of Health
26.1.13 Second Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign   march 25,000 people
30.1.13 Petitions to SoS Health, Dept of Health Heidi Alexander MP’s petition. 51,854 signatures,   London and SE London GPs from the 6 CCG areas: 409 signatures
31.1.13 SoS Health announcement in parliament:   Secretary accepts TSA proposals
February 2013  
14.2.13 Valentine’s Day Mums, Dads and Buggies   protest at the Department of Health
15.2.13 Friday Lunchtime Rally outside Lewisham   Hospital
16.2.13 Town centre rally and leafleting, Lewisham   shopping centre
 March 2013  Submission of the legal challenges of LB of   Lewisham; and Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign requesting Judicial Review
7.3.13 Roll out the red carpet for Boris Johnson,   at Catford Broadway, People’s Question Time
16.3.13 Born in Lewisham event, hands around the   hospital
26.3.13 Meeting between Boris Johnson, Mayor of London   and campaigners, clinicians and Mayor of Lewisham
 June 2013  
29.06.13 Lewisham People’s Commission takes place at   Broadway Theatre, Catford, chaired by Michael Mansfield QC
 July 2013  
2-4.7.13 Expedited hearing of application for   permission to apply for JR and substantive application (estimate of 3 days)
31.7.13 Mr Justice Silber rules against Secretary   of State in favour of Lewisham Council and Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign.  Finds that the   proposals for Lewisham Hospital were ‘ultra vires’ and the views of Lewisham   CCG, main commissioners, ignored.
August 2013  
21.08.13 SoS announces decision to appeal High Court   Decision
14. 09.13 Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign holds   Victory Parade and Party in Ladywell Fields at the back of the Lewisham   Hospital
27.09.13 Fundraising Victory Dance at Rivoli   Ballroom
28/29.10.13 Appeal takes place: government appeal   turned down
30.10.13 Government announces will not take case to   Supreme Court
 November 2013  
24.11.13 Publication of Lewisham People’s Commission   Report at House of Lords

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