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Write letters to Lords NOW!

(Or write to 2, or a dozen, or all 800+ if you wish!)


 Write a.s.a.p. please! Here’s how:

1 Click here to find a Lord or Baroness to write to from our selected list of those with an interest in the NHS. All are important to write to, but Lib Dems and Crossbenchers (unaligned peers) can have the biggest effect on the outcome of the debate or a vote.  Remember that Labour members need to know your views too; and we hear of Conservatives who genuinely believe in the NHS and will act honourably, especially if they know they have support from the public.  It is really worth writing to several peers if you can – to make maximum impact.

2  By clicking on the names of peers in the list you will be provided with both a picture and more detailed information about your chosen Lord or Baroness, including in some cases the direct e-mail address where it exists.  Lords without e-mail addresses can be reached through  Or you can print out the letter template to be found at Link 4 below, or just hand write to your chosen peer.

Address the envelope to “The House of Lords, London SW1A OPW” using a first class stamp if possible please. You may find a peer you have something in common with –  a place, or interest – or you may not.  But your personal letter is an important individual connection, far better than using a mass-produced letter, which would quite probably be ignored.  You should receive a reply.  We’ll be glad to hear from you if you do.

3  Click here  for key points you can make about the proposed regulations, and privatisation of the NHS generally. Pick one or two of the key points we’ve provided, explain them a little and say how you feel about them.  Peers are people too, and they realise they don’t know everything about everything.  Your letter can help inform them, or at least give them a different, personal perspective.
Other good links for points to make include:

4  Click here to go to a blank letter template for your use.  Then either write your letter on line and e-mail as outlined at 2 above, or print out the template and handwrite and post your letter to:-  The House of Lords, London SW1A OPW – a first class stamp if possible please.

5  Click here to go to an example or model letter to use.  Then either write your letter on line and e-mail as outlined at 2 above, or print out the template and handwrite and post your letter to:-  The House of Lords, London SW1A OPW – a first class stamp if possible please.
Click here to download pdf with instructions

Please make sure you post your letters by Saturday 20th April at the latest,  and e-mail by Monday 22nd April at the latest. It is best to write as early as you can.

Note: there should also be a debate in the House of Commons as a result of an Early Day Motion from the Labour group, but no date is available as yet.  We’ll keep you informed.

Many thanks, from SaveLewishamHospitalCampaign and from generations to come

Telegraph  See 1 April article here


7 thoughts on “Write letters to Lords NOW!

  1. Joanna Cameron says:

    I had treatment for cancer at Lewisham Hospital, I needed A&E during my treatment and was always well looked after. Many elderly people have cancer, they do not have private transport and if they have to go further a field than Lewisham it could be very difficult. Furthermore cancer treatment can make you feel very unwell so if you have to travel miles for treatment or A&E it does not help recovery.
    I do not think the government has taken into concideration the amount of new homes v the cut back in hospital maternity/A&E services in this relatively poor Borough.

  2. Pingback: Save the NHS: Photos and Report from the Lobby of Parliament on March 26 to Scrap the New Regulations Enforcing NHS Privatisation | Andy Worthington

  3. Nina Whittle says:

    There are so many people reliant on Lewisham hospital it’s Maternity and Emergency Department, that closing it would be detrimental to all and after working within the ED for 12 years I do NOT believe that closing the ED would save 100’s of lives. The surrounding hospitals with ED including Queen Elizabeth Woolwich, Princess Royal University Hospital, Kings College hospital, Croydon University hospital and Darenth Hospital would not be able to cope with the increased in numbers they would receive with the closure of the ED at Lewisham let alone the numbers of families needing to deliver their child with no hospital space available.
    I now work for St. Christopher’s Hospice Sydenham who work extremely closely with Lewisham Hospital and the surrounding hospitals and it is pivotal that those patients suffering from a terminal illness and needing palliative care receive emergency attention and medicine when needed in a calm and settling environment which the new ED at Lewisham provides. I had a cancer patient who was septic on am LAS trolley for over an hour at a surrounding hospital only last week, this is not fair as I am sure you would agree if this was your family member or a close friend requiring treatment.
    I really hope that one day in the near future you or a close family member are severely injured and require the services in Lewisham hospital and then tell me and everyone else who are reliant on the department that it is not needed once they have saved your life…….

    • admin says:

      thanks for that powerful letter Nina. We are determined to prevent closure of this essential service.

  4. Ivy Beard -Save Chase Farm Hospital says:

    Many thanks for all this information on contacting M.P. and the Peers with the template letters you have provided which are excellent, I know how much hard work has gone into supplying all this information. It will get used. Well Done!

  5. joel Jolomi atserunboma says:

    Dear Lord/ Baroness,
    i am 8 years old and was born in Lewisham hospital and i am very concerned about Lewisham Hospital.I will not be happy if Lewisham Hospital is closed because when i grow up i want to be a paramedic and work. in Lewisham Hospital.

    Yours Sincerely

    • admin says:

      Thanks for writing Joel. Lets make sure Lewisham Hospital is there when you grow up!

      Olivia for SLHbCampaign


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